Thursday, March 17, 2011

The plague

I know I'm totally grossing my co-workers out with the way I'm hacking and blowing my nose every two minutes.  Oh well...  It is gross, and I have to deal with it personally...  My poor nose is so raw from all the rough Kleenex's I've used!  I would love to be able to breathe through both nostrils very soon.  I need to get myself some apple cider vinegar and honey drink.  My mom swears it helps you feel better, and we all know our mommy's really do know best!  I did feel well enough to work out on the elliptical for 30 minutes.  My throat hurt so bad afterwards but at least I got through it. 
Last night my husband and I had a great little play date with my favorite nephew!  They say you aren't suppose to have favorites but considering my older sister has chosen not to be in my life I never get to see my other favorite nephew.  That's neither here nor there...  Little V man is almost 3 years old now!  He's truly the most handsome and smart 2 year old I know.  He helped his Tia do laundry(he honestly loves watching the washer and dryer do their thing), get the dishwasher started, and we ate delicious ghetti(spaghetti)!  He played trucks with his Tio and eventually ended up trying to play PlayStation.  We always have so much fun with the baby man.  He's truly a joy to be around.

"Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them." -Richard L. Evans

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